
Advanced Power Electronics Laboratory

The Advanced Power Electronics Laboratory, spanning 144 m2, provides a specialized environment for the design and implementation of electric power conversion technologies. It features 12 experimental workstations, each equipped with electrical protections, internet connectivity, and space for the installation of control, power, and communication equipment. This laboratory offers a conducive environment for research and development of innovative solutions in power electronics.

Electronics and Drive Laboratory

The Electronics and Drive Laboratory, with its carefully distributed 60 m2 space, houses five experimental workstations, each designed to foster innovation and advanced research. This space is equipped with cutting-edge technology supporting the construction and packaging of technological solutions aimed at efficient electric power conversion.

Microgrids Laboratory

The Microgrid Laboratory, with its specialized 12 m2 space, has been meticulously designed to accommodate two stations dedicated solely to advanced simulations. In this environment, we deploy state-of-the-art OPAL equipment enabling power simulations. This compact yet highly functional space represents our commitment to the forefront of research and development of technologies that will transform the way we conceive and manage energy in microgrids.